Jan. 18 – Mar. 28 2012

I will be offering a Wednesday evening session at this Trauma School organised by CONFER, on Wed. Jan. 25th, entitled:


Relational Body Psychotherapy – An Integrative Approach to Trauma Work

Offering interactive regulation to engage with and complement the patient’s disturbed auto-regulation, the therapist becomes a container for the trauma. As most of the psycho-biological stress of the trauma is communicated non-verbally, via right-brain to right-brain atonement, this process relies on the therapist’s own sense of embodiment and internal body-mind regulation. In this presentation, based on case material, we will explore how body psychotherapy offers treatment options and techniques that are capable of reaching down into the roots of trauma in somatic experience. We will look at how therapists can develop the internal resources and capacities needed to regulate the body-mind impact of traumatic relational dynamics.‘Character structure theory’ is a comprehensive method of diagnosing and working with habitual patterns, as manifested in the body.

For further details, see the CONFER website.